Thermal power generation refers to a method of power generation in which the thermal energy produced in the combustion of such solid, liquid or gas fuel as coal, petroleum and natural gas is converted
In wind power generation, wind drives the blades of the windmill to spin, and the spinning speed is then increased through the booster engine, thus making the generator generate electric power.
Photovoltaic , or PV for short, refers to an industry that makes use of solar energy, sun light shines on silicon materials, thus generating electricity, which is called the photovoltaic effect.
Machining industry is a new growth point fostered by Done Power during its development of the main business of installation and maintenance of thermal power, with the target of breaking its single ind
Iron and steel industry is an industry mainly focusing on such industrial production activities as the selection of ferrous metal minerals and the smelting and production of ferrous metal. It includes
Petrochemical industry refers to the manufacturing industry of producing petroleum products and petrochemical products from the raw materials of petroleum and natural gas. It is closely bound up with
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